BREAKING NEWS!!! Freedom Day… more like RETAIL DAY!

The biggest winner was retail, where $100 million was spent, up from around $35 million the previous Monday. This spending data was only that registered at NAB merchant terminals, meaning the true expenditure of residents throughout the state would have been multiple times higher. Andrew Irvine, Group Executive for NAB’s Business and Private Bank said confidence is returning to businesses who have been forced to shutter the doors during the Delta strain of COVID-19.

1 in 3 Aussies have ALREADY started their holiday shopping


SO WHAT? A fast start is a strong start. Capture seasonal demand now.

Amazon launches seasonal deals earlier than ever


And ecommerce players are following…


Last week Australian retail searches were up 20% YoY

Food & Beverages

SO WHAT? With the increase in shopping demand, and shipping delays, starting early is important to
capturing current demand

Last week Australian retail searches were up 20% YoY

Burt Flickinger, managing director at retail consultancy Strategic Resource Group, said at least 20-25% of the goods stuck on ships were unlikely to make it onto shelves in time for the Nov. 26 Black Friday kickoff for the holiday shopping season, a period when retailers make more than a third of their profits

1 in 3 Aussies favour contactless shopping

6 New

Picnic searches have tripled in Australia as a way to stay connected with friends and family

Top Queries
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